Handmade candles for the esoteric world
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100% handmade candles 🕯✨ A light for your wishes

White and red candle with prayer to the Dominant Spirit

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Velón with prayer to the Dominant Spirit, is for the requests of dominion, to be above in situations or at personal level.


Weight (grams):
14 cm


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Sail ready to dominate situations and feel that we have the reins.

What to combine it with?

To reinforce the request for personal dominance, this candle can be complemented with the Double Charge what I say. Another option is the Preparado San Marcos de León, more aimed at domain requests in paperwork.

Comments (2)

| 08/07/2023
Velon Prayer Dominant Spirit

Hola quisiera domar un poco el carácter de mi marido como lo pongo en el Velon?

Store response | 13/07/2023


la primera que aconsejaría seria poner el velón de doble carga lo que yo diga. Pero primero pondría el Benigno Manso para aplacarlo

| 31/07/2020 | Verified purchase
Velon Prayer Dominant Spirit

Ottimi, spediti velocemente

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (3)


Buenos días, Tengo la vela de dominio y la de lo que yo diga. Son correctas para que un hijo adolescente me escuche y deje de tomar decisiones y de hacer cosas erroneas? Cúal sería el orden para ponerlas y en qué lunas? Deciros que hacéis un gran trabajo. Muchas gracias. Saludos.

Store response | 20/12/2022

Muchas gracias por tu comnetario.

las velas que comentas son perfectas para esta petición.

primero pondría la de dominio y luego la de lo que yo diga, 


Si deve accendere in una lunazione precisa?

Store response | 25/10/2021

Buongiorno, le candele Mastery funzionano sempre meglio con la luna piena. Saluti.


Buonasera vorrei sapere di preciso a cosa serve questo cero, se può servire per dominare un uomo che continua ad entrare ed uscire dalla mia vita a suo piacimento, sfruttando l amore che provo, e se con questo lui ritorna da me. Grazie

Store response | 25/10/2021

Buon giorno! Come candele di dominio, l'opzione migliore è San Marcos de León. D'altra parte, se vuoi attirarlo a te, ti consiglio di usare il gioco dei cuori di miele e in seguito la Candela Preparata Vieni da me. Se avete domande, ditemelo e ne discuteremo. Saluti.


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