Handmade candles for the esoteric world
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100% handmade candles 🕯✨ A light for your wishes

Black candle with prayer to Cenizo

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Candle with prayer Ashen. Special candle to create fights and confusion. Measurements: 5.5cm in diameter x 14 in height.


14 cm


More information

Ash candle, to generate discussions or fights between people.

About our artisan manufacturing ...

At Las Velas de Mariano we preserve 18th century manufacturing methods, which is why we make unique pieces that are cared for down to the smallest detail. In our manufacture we only use pure waxes, and we carry out a ritualization and purification process before starting with the manufacture of candles and candles. In addition, we always seek to work with noble materials of natural origin to maintain the purity of our product. We use molds of special alloys, just as the ancient alchemists did, and our wicks are woven from 100% natural cotton with specific thicknesses for the correct combustion of each candle.

Many of our candles also come flavored with herbs, plants, and salts. Some of them are visible from the outside, but others we only see them when the wax has already been consumed. These added ingredients are special mixtures used as remedies in ancient times, and they are different for each request.

For us, candles are the illusions, concerns, desires and needs of many people, that is why we continue to work with the best materials to be able to offer effective self-help products available to everyone.

Comments (1)

| 15/10/2023 | Verified purchase
Ash Prayer Candle

Buena calidad. Se ha quemado con lentitud

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (3)


Hola. Que diferencia hay entre este velón negro con oración cenizo y el otro velón preparado cenizo?

Store response | 30/08/2023

¡Buenos días Lima!

El Velón de Cenizo sirve para generar conflictos entre personas. El Velón Preparado es más potente, así que es mejor ponerlo primero, mientras que el Velón de Oración sirve para reforzar la petición tiempo después de haberla hecho con el preparado.

Espero que te sirva de ayuda


Ciao. È possibile usare questa candela per creare liti e scompiglio tra due persone terze (ad esempio due soci)? Grazie

Store response | 17/01/2022

Ciao. Ha lo scopo di spezzare le situazioni tra le persone che sono negative l'una verso l'altra. Sì, può aiutarti. Saluti.


En que luna debemos encender este velon? A que hora? Es peligroso, puede volverse en contra y hacer que le pase a la persona que pone la vela? gracias por la atención

Store response | 28/10/2021

Buenos días. El velón de cenizo está pensado para poder alejar malas influencias de gente de nuestro alrededor y para ello a veces es necesario este tipo de velón. Pero el objetivo es cortar con aquellas personas que pueden ser nocivas. Este tipo de velón se debería poner en fase lunar menguante. Espero que te sirva de ayuda, saludos. 


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